Wisconsin Winter Wheat Disease Update – April 13

Damon L. Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brian D. Mueller, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Figure 1. Septoria leaf blotch on a young winter wheat plant.

Figure 1. Septoria leaf blotch on a young winter wheat plant.

Winter wheat in southern and south central Wisconsin was scouted on April 7 and 8, 2016 by the Wisconsin Field Crops Pathology research and extension crew. Locations of scouting included Sharon, Wisconsin near the Illinois border and Arlington, Wisconsin north of Madison. At both locations Septoria leaf blotch was observed on young, tillering winter wheat plants (Fig. 1). Septoria leaf blotch is caused by the fungus Septoria tritici. Typically this pathogen isn’t identified on wheat in Wisconsin until closer to flag leaf emergence. The presence of the pathogen this early in the season is likely due to the mild, wet conditions we have had this spring. Other common leaf blotch disease can be caused by other fungi such as Stagnospora nodorum or Stagnospora avenae f. sp. triticae. However, in Wisconsin the most common causal agent of leaf blotch is Septoria tritici. Septoria leaf blotch can often be diagnosed based on the presence of darkly pigmented fruiting bodies (Fig. 2) that exude gelatinous spore masses when incubated in a humidity chamber (Fig. 3). To definitely differentiate this fungus from Stagnospora nodorum, however, spores need to be examined microscopically in the UW Diagnostic Clinic. For information on how to submit samples, CLICK HERE. For more information on leaf blotch diseases of winter wheat in Wisconsin and management of these diseases, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AN EXTENSION FACT SHEET.

Figure 2. Fruiting bodies of the Septoria fungus on winter wheat leaves.

Figure 2. Fruiting bodies of the Septoria fungus on winter wheat leaves.

Under the current conditions this season, a fungicide application IS NOT recommended as the pressure is low and little yield loss would be expected from a light epidemic early in the season. However, growers and consultants should scout fields and monitor the situation carefully.  Should conditions continue to be mild and wet, disease may increase and require the application of fungicide to manage the disease. Past research in Wisconsin has demonstrated little need for application of fungicide prior to flag leaf emergence (Feekes 8 growth stage). In 2013, a significant epidemic of Septoria leaf blotch was present in a fungicide trial on winter wheat located in Arlington, Wisconsin. In that trial, the fungus that causes Septoria leaf blotch was active around the same time as noted this season. Application of fungicide at the Feekes 5 growth stage resulted in just marginal control of Septoria leaf blotch. To review the results of this trial, CLICK ON THIS LINK, and scroll to down to pages 9 and 10.

Figure 3. Gelatinous spore masses exuding from fruiting bodies of the Septoria fungus.

Figure 3. Gelatinous spore masses exuding from fruiting bodies of the Septoria fungus.

At all locations no stripe rust was observed. However, given recent reports of stripe rust occurring in locations in the Southern and central U.S., winter wheat growers should pay close attention to this disease. For more information about stripe rust and stripe rust management please check out our previous post from 2015 located by CLICKING HERE.

Be sure to check back to the blog frequently for winter wheat disease updates in 2016!


2015 UW Extension Pest Management Update Meeting Series

General Agronomy

Be sure to get the latest field crop pest management updates, by attending the 2015 PMU Meetings!

Damon Smith, Extension Plant Pathology Specialist

Mark your calendars as the UW Extension’s Pest Management Update meetings are just around the corner (November 9-19). This year’s program will follow the new format established in the 2014 series, with more interaction between presenters and the audience, and participation by Bryan Jensen and Dan Heider with the University of Wisconsin Integrated Pest and Crop Management Program.

We will focus the entire morning (10-noon) on integrated pest management updates by crop (corn, soybean, alfalfa, and small grains). This session will be streamlined to focus on new pesticide registrations, pest updates, and highlight important issues from 2015. After lunch, topics will be more focused on specific updates and diagnostic training. These topics will include:

  • Herbicide resistance update and identification
  • Managing corn rootworms
  • Soybean stem disease identification

These diagnostic and focused trainings were a big hit in 2014 so don’t miss out in 2015!

The full schedule with dates, meeting locations, topics and registration contact information are in the link below. Please register with the host agent at least 1 week prior to the meeting at the location you wish to attend.

Note that due to low turnout in past years, the Arlington location has been dropped from the rotation in 2015. There will only be 7 locations to attend the update meetings, rather than 8 locations as in previous years. Be sure to look at the 2015 schedule included with this article when selecting your preferred date and location.

Please attend the meeting location at which you registered. Each meeting in the series is a separate county-based event and host agents cannot interchange registrant fees or meal counts.

Four hours of CCA CEU pest management credits are requested and available at each location.

The speakers will be extension specialists Mark Renz, weed scientist, perennial cropping systems; Dan Heider, IPM outreach specialist, Bryan Jensen, entomologist, and Damon Smith, field crop plant pathologist.

2015 Pest Management Update Topics:

  • Integrated Pest Management Updates in corn, soybeans, alfalfa, and small grains: Update on new products and/or use of existing products as well as brief highlights of the 2015 pest situations in each crop.
  • Herbicide resistance update and identification: Dan Heider and Mark Renz discuss the herbicide resistant weed situation in Wisconsin and how to identify problematic situations.
  • Managing corn rootworms: Bryan Jensen will take you through identifying corn rootworm problems and how to manage them in field corn.
  • Soybean stem disease identification: Damon Smith will discuss the 2015 soybean stem disease situation in Wisconsin. He will offer tips on how to identify and manage the various stem diseases that cause problems in Wisconsin.

Check out the full meeting schedule at this link.

Results of the 2015 Wisconsin Winter Wheat Foliar Fungicide Trial

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

As we head into the 2015/16 Wisconsin winter wheat field season, I have received a lot of questions on Fusarium head blight (scab) management due to the heavy pressure from that disease in the 2014 and 2015 wheat crops. Along with those questions, always come inquiries about fungicide programs, specifically fungicide timing and fungicide products effective for controlling the disease. We have already addressed timing of application in this article: Start Managing for Fusarium Head Blight Now Before You Plant the 2015/16 Crop. But what about efficacy of products and fungicide programs? Previous results from 2013 and 2014 Wisconsin Winter Wheat Fungicide evaluations can be found by CLICKING HERE. In addition, you will find the 2015 fungicide evaluation results below.

The 2015 trial was established at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station located in Arlington, WI. The soft red winter wheat cultivar ‘Kaskaskia’ was chosen for this study. Wheat was planted on 24 Sep 2014. Treatments consisted of a non-treated control and 9 fungicide treatments. All fungicide treatments contained the non-ionic surfactant Induce 90% SL at 0.125% v/v. Fungicides were applied using a CO2 pressurized backpack sprayer calibrated to deliver 20 GPA. Fungicides were used to target general wheat disease in the area. Fungicides were applied either just before jointing (Feekes 5), at emerging flag leaf (Feekes 8), at anthesis (Feekes 10.5.1), or using two sprays with the first occurring just prior to jointing (8 May) or at emerging flag leaf (21 May) and the second spray being applied at anthesis (3 Jun). Natural sources of pathogen inoculum were relied upon for disease and plots were also inoculated with Fusarium graminearum (the head blight pathogen). Fusarium head blight was the primary disease in the trial and was evaluated by estimating average incidence in each plot. Level of deoxynivalenol (DON) will also be evaluated but results are not yet in.

Weather in spring 2015 was cool and rainy before transitioning to warmer and wet near wheat head emergence. Leaf disease incidence and severity was low in this trial. No powdery mildew was observed. Visible levels of Fusarium head blight were moderate in the non-treated control (see table below). All plots that received fungicide had significantly less Fusarium head blight than the non-treated control. Plots that received Prosaro or Caramba fungicide at the Feekes 10.5.1 application timing typically had lower levels of disease. Plots where fungicide was applied at Feekes 8 only typically had higher levels of Fusarium head blight compared to plots that received an application at Feekes 10.5.1. Plots with the lowest levels of Fusarium head blight receive either Quilt Xcel @ 10.5 fl oz/a or Stratego YLD @ 5.0 fl oz/a at Feekes 8 followed by Prosaro @ 6.5 fl oz/a at Feekes 10.5.1. Although, yield was highest in plots that received Stratego YLD @2.0 fl oz/a at Feekes 5 followed by Prosaro @ 6.5 fl oz/a applied at Feekes 10.5.1. Application of fungicide at the Feekes 10.5.1 timing reduced visible disease and often improved yield at this research location in 2015. Phytotoxicity was not observed for any treatment.

2015 Wheat Fungicide Table

Get a Jump on Winter Wheat Management This Fall

Symptoms of Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

Symptoms of Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

As we approach the 2015-2016 winter wheat planting season, it is important to consider some critical management opportunities that you might have now, to improve stands and manage disease later on. We have put together several articles in an effort to address these concerns. You can find these articles by clicking on the titles below.

Start Managing for Fusarium Head Blight Now Before You Plant the 2015/16 Crop

Top 8 Recommendations for Winter Wheat Establishment

Fusarium Head Blight a Significant Issue in Wisconsin in 2015

Damon L. Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Shawn P. Conley, Extension Soybean and Small Grains Agronomist, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Figure 1: Symptoms of Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

Figure 1: Symptoms of Fusarium head blight (scab) on a wheat head.

The 2015 growing season has been fairly challenging for managing winter wheat diseases. Many fields we have observed have some level of disease. Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) is the primary disease observed in all locations from the southern portion of the state on up through Fond du Lac. In locations near Janesville, some varieties of winter wheat not sprayed with a fungicide have FHB incidence and severity levels close to 50%. Significant yield loss and quality issues, including high levels of deoxynivalenol (also known as DON or vomitoxin) will be a problem as farmers being to harvest grain in a couple of weeks. Fields should be assessed now for damage by FHB to understand how much DON might be expected in grain at harvest.

What does scab look like? Diseased spikelets on an infected grain head die and bleach prematurely (Fig. 1).  Healthy spikelets on the same head retain their normal green color.  Over time, premature bleaching of spikelets may progress throughout the entire grain head.  If infections occur on the stem immediately below the head, the entire head may die.  As symptoms progress, developing grains are colonized causing them to shrink and wrinkle.  Often, infected kernels have a rough, sunken appearance, and range in color from pink or soft gray, to light brown. As wheat dries down, visual inspection of heads for scab will become more difficult.

Why is identifying scab important? Scab identification is important, not only because it reduces yield, but also because it reduces the quality and feeding value of grain.  In addition, the FHB fungus may produce mycotoxins, including DON or vomitoxin, that when ingested, can adversely affect livestock and human health.  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has set maximum allowable levels of DON in feed for various animal systems, these are as follows: beef and feedlot cattle and poultry < 10ppm; Swine and all other animals < 5ppm.

What should I do to prepare for wheat harvest?

  1. Scout your fields now to assess risk. Wheat is beginning to mature. As maturity progresses over the next couple of weeks, it will be increasingly difficult to assess the incidence and severity of the infection. Understanding a field’s risk will help growers either field blend or avoid highly infected areas so entire loads are not rejected.
  2. DO NOT spray fungicide now. Research has demonstrated that the window of opportunity to manage FHB with fungicides is at the beginning of anthesis and only lasts about 7 days. Applications later than 7 days after the start of anthesis are not effective in controlling FHB. In addition, most fungicide labels do not allow a pre-harvest interval (PHI) suitable for a late application on wheat. Any application now would be off-label.
  3. Adjust combine settings to blow out lighter seeds and chaff. Salgado et al. 2011 indicated that adjusting a combine’s fan speed between 1,375 and 1,475 rpms and shutter opening to 90 mm (3.5 inches) resulted in the lowest discounts that would have been received at the elevator due to low test weight, % damaged kernels, and level of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON; vomitoxin) present in the harvested grain.
  4. Know your elevators inspection and dockage procedure (each elevator can have a different procedure).
  5. Scabby kernels does not necessarily mean high DON levels and vice versa.
  6. DON can be present in the straw so there is concern regarding feeding or using scab infected wheat straw.  DO NOT use straw for bedding or feed from fields with high levels of scab (Cowger and Arellano, 2013). If in doubt, have the straw tested for DON levels.
  7. Do not save seed from a scab-infected field. Fusarium graminearum can be transmitted via seed. Infected seeds will have decreased growth and tillering capacity as well as increased risk for winterkill.
  8. Do not store grain from fields with high levels of scab.  DON and other mycotoxins can continue to increase in stored grain.
  9. For more information on Fusarium head blight click here.

Other Wheat Diseases in Wisconsin

Rust has also been an issue on winter wheat this season. Both stripe and leaf rust were observed at high levels near Arlington Wisconsin recently. Near Janesville, rust was observed to be more intermittent in occurrence. Stripe rust was present, however, incidence and severity of leaf rust was a bit higher on some varieties. Stagnospora/Septoria leaf blotch can be found in most locations. However, the disease has been present mostly in the lower canopy and has not made its way to the flag leaf. Powdery mildew has been nearly non-existent for the third year in a row in the state.


Cowger, C., and Arellano, C. 2013. Fusarium graminearum infection and deoxynivalenol concentrations during development of wheat spikes. Phytopathology 103:460-471.

Salgado, J. D., Wallhead, M., Madden, L. V., and Paul, P. A. 2011. Grain harvesting strategies to minimize grain quality losses due to Fusarium head blight in wheat. Plant Dis. 95:1448-1457.

More Stripe Rust Found in Wisconsin Winter Wheat

Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Flag Leaf

Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Flag Leaf

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Wisconsin Field Crops Pathology Lab scouted winter wheat variety trials located in Fond du Lac and Chilton, Wisconsin today (June 11). Stripe rust was found at both locations. At the Fond du Lac site rust was only found in a few plots, but some plants had high levels of severity on flag leaves (see image). At the Chilton site, more plots and varieties were symptomatic with stripe rust, but severity was trace or low for all plots.  In one plot at Chilton, we also observed one flag leaf with trace levels of leaf rust. Wheat at both sites is in full flower.

Wisconsin Winter Wheat Disease Update – June 10

Figure 1. FHB prediction for June 10 for 'very susceptible' winter wheat varieties.

Figure 1. FHB prediction for June 10 for ‘very susceptible’ winter wheat varieties.

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Winter wheat in much of southern and central Wisconsin is now in active anthesis or past anthesis. Spraying for Fusarium head blight (FHB) is not recommended once wheat has progressed past 7 days after anthesis. Wheat from the east central to northeast is likely approaching or at anthesis. Spraying for FHB on winter wheat in these areas is recommended. Caramba and Prosaro have proven to be the best products for FHB control, however, timing of application is critical. These products must be applied at the beginning of anthesis with good efficacy achievable up to 5-7 days after the start of this growth stage. The FHB Prediction Center is forecasting moderate to severe FHB from Fond du Lac up through Door County for ‘very susceptible’ winter wheat varieties (Fig. 1). Wheat at the susceptible growth stage is at risk and spraying in these areas is recommended. Additionally, sprays at this time will also help manage foliar diseases such as rust that may move in and reduce yield during grain fill.

Figure 2. Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Leaf

Figure 2. Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Leaf

Brian Mueller, graduate student in my program, observed the first pustules of stripe rust on winter wheat in Wisconsin in 2015 (Fig. 2). These pustules were found in Sharon, WI in the UW wheat variety trial on June 4. This location is west of Janesville, near the Illinois border. Pustules were located in just one plot on a single variety during that first visit. Scouting was conducted again on June 10 in wheat not treated with fungicide next to the UW variety trial at this same location. Additional stripe rust infections were observed, however, severity remains low. I suspect stripe rust will continue to increase in this area and areas to the north. Cool wet weather is predicted for the next 5-7 days. This weather pattern will be conducive for stripe rust spread.

Figure 3. Cephalosporium Stripe symptoms on Winter Wheat.

Figure 3. Cephalosporium Stripe symptoms on Winter Wheat.

Cephalosporium stripe (Fig. 3) has also been identified in several fields around the state. Cephalosprorium stripe has been identified in winter wheat fields in Wisconsin over the last several years. Typically the disease has occurred in localized areas of the field, but in some cases it has been identified in wider areas depending on the varieties. No in-season management is available for Cephalospyrium stripe. However, noting which fields and locations in fields that have symptoms will help for future decisions about winter wheat management in those areas. Varieties with genetic resistance are available. Also longer rotations and better grassy-weed control can help reduce the severity of Cephalospyrium stripe. For more information about Cephalospyrium stripe CLICK HERE AND SCROLL DOWN TO THE CEPHALOSPORIUM STRIPE SECTION.

No other disease have been observed on winter wheat in Wisconsin this week. We will be scouting variety trials in the northeast later this week. We will continue to report any diseases we observe.


Stripe Rust on Winter Wheat Observed in Southern Wisconsin

Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Leaf

Stripe Rust Pustules on a Winter Wheat Leaf

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brian Mueller, graduate student in my program, observed the first pustules of stripe rust on winter wheat in Wisconsin in 2015 (see attached image). These were found in Sharon, WI in the UW wheat variety trial on June 4. This location is west of Janesville, near the Illinois border. Pustules were located in just one plot on a single variety. No pustules were identified in other plots. We will continue to monitor the wheat rust situation over the next couple of weeks.

Wisconsin Winter Wheat Disease Update: June 3

Figure 1. Fusarium head blight advisory for June 3, 2015 for a 'very susceptible' winter wheat variety.

Figure 1. Fusarium head blight advisory for June 3, 2015 for a ‘very susceptible’ winter wheat variety.

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

We have scouted wheat from South of Madison, Wisconsin up through to near Fond du Lac this week. Most winter wheat we have looked at has headed and quickly approaching anthesis. The winter wheat variety ‘Kaskaskia’ was at early anthesis today. Now is the time to make a decision on spraying for Fusarium head blight (FHB). The Fusarium Head Blight Prediction Center (http://www.wheatscab.psu.edu) has the majority of Wisconsin listed at low risk for a susceptible winter wheat variety. However, clicking the box to run the prediction for a ‘very susceptible’ winter wheat variety changes much of the state to medium risk and some areas at ‘high risk’ for FHB (Fig 1). With the warm and dry weather this week, the question has been “Should I spray for FHB?” In short, I think the answer to this question is ‘yes’ especially for farms and fields that have had a history of FHB.

If we consider the biology of the fungus and the epidemiology of FHB, the past, present, and future weather patterns are all important. Weather over the past couple of weeks has been rainy and wet. This has served to ‘prime’ the FHB fungus to make spores. Even with the dry weather this week, there is bound to be spores of the FHB fungus present and blowing around. Now if we consider the weather over the next few days, it looks like a pretty good chance for on-and-off rain with warm conditions; weather just ripe for FHB. Considering the conditions and the fact that anthesis is occurring this week, I think spraying is a good decision. Additionally, the fungicide applications at this stage will protect flag leaves from foliar diseases like rust, Septoria leaf blotch, or powdery mildew, should they move in over the next few weeks during grain fill.

Caramba and Prosaro have proven to be the best products for FHB control, however, timing of application is critical. These products must be applied at the beginning of anthesis with good efficacy achievable up to 5-7 days after the start of this growth stage. Fungicide application after 7 days post-anthesis is not recommended. You can watch a video of Dr. Shawn Conley describing how to identify this important growth stage by clicking here.

We continue to look for other wheat diseases around the state. We have not observed any rust on winter wheat in Wisconsin. Additionally, no powdery mildew and no Septoria leaf blotch have been observed on our scouting trips. We will continue to monitor the winter wheat disease situation as we move into grain fill.

Wisconsin Winter Wheat Disease Update – May 26

Damon Smith, Extension Field Crops Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Winter wheat in the south and south-central portions of Wisconsin is quickly approaching heading. Most wheat we have looked at recently is at boot stage with some beginning to head. Anthesis (flowering) will be occurring very soon if it hasn’t already happened in these fields. Now is the time to consider Fusarium head blight (FHB or scab) risk and consider your control options in at-risk fields. With anthesis occurring this week in some fields, and the prolonged wet weather forecast for this week, growers and consultants should pay close attention to this situation. The risk for FHB will likely be high this week especially on susceptible varieties.  To learn more about FHB on wheat you can download a fact sheet by CLICKING HERE.

In addition to considering the weather conditions, you can consult the FHB Prediction Center. I recently wrote a post about the FHB Risk Tool and how to best use it. You can read more about the tool BY CLICKING HERE. Currently, the risk tool is predicting medium to high risk only along the Lake Michigan shore. However, I think this will change as we proceed through the week.  With the extended chances of rain and high humidity, coupled with moderate to warm temperatures, risk for FHB on susceptible and moderately susceptible cultivars will be medium to high across a wider portion of the state. This will be especially true along the southern portions of Wisconsin where wheat is  beginning to flower this week. Caramba and Prosaro have proven to be the best products for FHB control (see the Small Grains Fungicide Efficacy Table), however, timing of application is critical. These products must be applied at first flower with good efficacy achievable up to 5-7 days after the start of anthesis.  Fungicide application after 7 days post-anthesis is not recommended. Pay close attention to the FHB situation this week.

Other wheat diseases in Wisconsin have been fairly minimal. My graduate students managed to find and identify low levels of spot blotch on some plants at our Sharon, WI and Arlington, WI locations last Friday (May 22). The severity was relatively low. Rust and other diseases have not been identified in wheat fields we have traveled to. We will continue to scout and monitor the wheat disease situation as we head toward anthesis.