Team Grains Tackles Profitability in Low-Margin Years

General AgronomyTeam grains specialists are hitting the road with a series of talks, “Grain Management in Low-Margin Years” and an accompanying fact sheet that address how to best handle different aspects of production during low-margin years. The talks will start in in February of 2017 and will take place at locations throughout the state. Each talk is about a half-hour long with time for Q& A. If one of the presenters is not available for any of the dates, the talks will also be available as high quality video presentations. For each location, the agent or sponsor can decide what topics to include and a flyer template is available to customize and promote the event. 

Talks and speakers include: 

  1. Soybean Inputs that Deliver the Highest ROI in a Low-Margin Year – Shawn Conley, UW Agronomy, Soybean and Small Grains Specialist 
  2. Practical Weed Management for Low-Margin Years – Dan Smith, UW NPM, Southwest Regional Specialist 
  3. Fundamental Soil Fertility Strategies for Success – Carrie Laboski, UW Soil Science, Soil Fertility/Nutrient Management Specialist 
  4. How to Survive and Thrive on Current Corn Price Projections – Joe Lauer, UW Agronomy, Corn Specialist 
  5. Low Grain Prices = Smart Disease Management Decisions – Damon Smith, UW Plant Pathology, Field Crops Pathology Specialist 
  6. Managing Insects Economically Using Conventional Hybrids and Thresholds – Bryan Jensen, UW Entomology, Field Crops Entomology Specialist 
  7. Machinery/Technology Management and Tillage Considerations to Reduce Operational Costs – Francisco Arriaga, UW Soil Science, Soil Science Specialist and Brian Luck, UW Biological System Engineering, Machinery Specialist 
  8. Partial Budget Analysis: A Practical Tool for Low Margin Years – Paul Mitchell, UW Ag & Applied Econ, Cropping Systems Specialist 

CLICK HERE For information on specific locations and host agent contact e-mail.

For additional information, contact Ted Bay at or Damon Smith at