2013 Update – A3878 – “Fungicide resistance management in corn, soybean, and wheat in Wisconsin”


A3878 - Fungicide resistance management in corn, soybean, and wheat in Wisconsin

A3878 – Fungicide resistance management in corn, soybean, and wheat in Wisconsin


A3878 – “Fungicide resistance management in corn, soybean, and wheat in Wisconsin” was developed by the University of Wisconsin UW Extension and the Nutrient and Pest Management Program, and has been updated for 2013!  Significant additions include small grains seed treatments now on the chart.  In addition, all trade names and active ingredients have been brought up to date according to current pesticide labels in Wisconsin.  A hardcopy of the chart can be requested by email at npm@hort.wisc.edu.  You can also download a PDF version by visiting the Nutrient Management and Integrated Pest and Crop Management Publications.

Corn Foliar Diseases: Identification and Management Field Guide

The new Corn Foliar Diseases Field Guide  contains diagnostic images and descriptions of the main foliar diseases of corn to aid in field identification. Sections on foliar fungicides and best management practices are also included.

The sturdy pocket-sized field guide hooks with a key ring and is intended for field use.

Corn Foliar Diseases Field Guide is a regional publication from the North Central IPM program, with contributions from corn Extension pathologists in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Ohio.

Plant-parasitic nematodes in corn

Sampling for Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Corn Strip Trials Comparing Nematode Management Products

Stunt nematode feeding on corn roots. Photo credit: Iowa State University

This new online publication,  written by regional nematologists, provides good comprehensive information about conducting strip trials to compare seed treatments and nematodes in corn.

It outlines how multiple samples must be collected uniformly, consistently, carefully, and at the proper time in order to have a chance of detecting differences in nematode population densities among treatments.


More corn nematode resources:
Quick Facts about Nematodes in Corn – Iowa State University

Nematodes that Attack Corn in Iowa (pdf)

Ten Things You Should Know About Corn Nematodes – University of Illinois