New Fact Sheets on Stem Canker and Pod and Stem Blight

Stem Canker of Soybean

Stem Canker of Soybean

During the 2014 season, two diseases appeared to be quite widespread across the midwest on soybean. These disease were stem canker and also pod and stem blight. Next to white mold, these diseases were common in many Wisconsin fields last year.  In an effort to provide background and management information about these diseases, two fact sheets were recently developed by extension specialists in the North Central region.  This effort was supported by the North Central Soybean Research Association and also the United Soybean Board. You can download the stem canker fact sheet by clicking here and the pod and stem blight fact sheet by clicking here. Be prepared for the 2015 season by reading these fact sheets and scouting often.  Happy Planting!