Want to learn more about diseases of field crops?
Watch these videos to learn about field crops disease identification and management in Wisconsin. There are multiple playlists listed below, arranged by series. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see all series and videos.
Alfalfa Disease Videos
CCA Training Videos

Introduction to Plant Diseases of Field Crops (1/5)

Corn Disease Management (2/5)

Soybean Disease Management (3/5)

Alfalfa Disease Management (4/5)

Wheat Disease Management (5/5)

Corn Disease Videos

Tar Spot Management on Corn, A Wisconsin Perspective

Corn Disease Update: Ear Rot, Mycotoxin in Silage

Tar Spot Disease on Corn in Wisconsin, ID and recommendations

Field corn disease management update

Soybean Charcoal Rot Video Series

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Overview of Research

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Life Cycle

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Identification in the Field

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Isolation and Quantification

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Management Options

Charcoal Rot in the North Central Region: Growth stages and yield loss

Soybean Disease Videos

Potential Causes of Poor Soybean Emergence in Cool Wet Soils

Integrated Approaches to White Mold Management

Brown Stem Rot in Soybean

Soybean Vein Necrosis Disease (SVND)

Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean

White Mold in Soybean

Sporebuster Videos
Sporecaster Videos

Sporecaster, the science behind the smartphone app

Sporecaster, the Soybean White Mold Forecaster app

Sporecaster, Interpreting White Mold Risk Forecasts

Sporecaster, Soybean White Mold Forecaster, app tutorial

Wheat Disease Videos

Winter Wheat: In-season Disease Management

Winter Wheat: In-Season Disease Management Part II

Winter Wheat: In-Season Disease Management Part III